View Source: contracts/interfaces/handlers/IBosonAccountHandler.sol
↗ Extends: IBosonAccountEvents
Handles creation, update, retrieval of accounts within the protocol.
The ERC-165 identifier for this interface is: 0xbc1d7461
- createSeller(struct BosonTypes.Seller _seller, struct BosonTypes.AuthToken _authToken, struct BosonTypes.VoucherInitValues _voucherInitValues)
- createBuyer(struct BosonTypes.Buyer _buyer)
- createDisputeResolver(struct BosonTypes.DisputeResolver _disputeResolver, struct BosonTypes.DisputeResolverFee[] _disputeResolverFees, uint256[] _sellerAllowList)
- createAgent(struct BosonTypes.Agent _agent)
- updateSeller(struct BosonTypes.Seller _seller, struct BosonTypes.AuthToken _authToken)
- optInToSellerUpdate(uint256 _sellerId, enum BosonTypes.SellerUpdateFields[] _fieldsToUpdate)
- updateBuyer(struct BosonTypes.Buyer _buyer)
- updateDisputeResolver(struct BosonTypes.DisputeResolver _disputeResolver)
- optInToDisputeResolverUpdate(uint256 _disputeResolverId, enum BosonTypes.DisputeResolverUpdateFields[] _fieldsToUpdate)
- updateAgent(struct BosonTypes.Agent _agent)
- addFeesToDisputeResolver(uint256 _disputeResolverId, struct BosonTypes.DisputeResolverFee[] _disputeResolverFees)
- removeFeesFromDisputeResolver(uint256 _disputeResolverId, address[] _feeTokenAddresses)
- addSellersToAllowList(uint256 _disputeResolverId, uint256[] _sellerAllowList)
- removeSellersFromAllowList(uint256 _disputeResolverId, uint256[] _sellerAllowList)
- createNewCollection(string _externalId, struct BosonTypes.VoucherInitValues _voucherInitValues)
- updateSellerSalt(uint256 _sellerId, bytes32 _newSalt)
- getSeller(uint256 _sellerId)
- getSellerByAddress(address _associatedAddress)
- getSellerByAuthToken(struct BosonTypes.AuthToken _associatedAuthToken)
- getSellersCollections(uint256 _sellerId)
- isSellerSaltAvailable(address _adminAddres, bytes32 _salt)
- calculateCollectionAddress(uint256 _sellerId, bytes32 _collectionSalt)
- getBuyer(uint256 _buyerId)
- getDisputeResolver(uint256 _disputeResolverId)
- getDisputeResolverByAddress(address _associatedAddress)
- getAgent(uint256 _agentId)
- areSellersAllowed(uint256 _disputeResolverId, uint256[] _sellerIds)
- getNextAccountId()
Creates a seller.
Emits a SellerCreated event if successful.
Reverts if:
- Caller is not the supplied admin or does not own supplied auth token
- Caller is not the supplied assistant
- Supplied clerk is not a zero address
- The sellers region of protocol is paused
- Address values are zero address
- Addresses are not unique to this seller
- Seller is not active (if active == false)
- Admin address is zero address and AuthTokenType == None
- AuthTokenType is not unique to this seller
- AuthTokenType is Custom
- Seller salt is not unique
- Clone creation fails
function createSeller(struct BosonTypes.Seller _seller,
struct BosonTypes.AuthToken _authToken,
struct BosonTypes.VoucherInitValues _voucherInitValues)
Name | Type | Description |
_seller | BosonTypes.Seller | the fully populated struct with seller id set to 0x0 |
_authToken | BosonTypes.AuthToken | optional AuthToken struct that specifies an AuthToken type and tokenId that the seller can use to do admin functions |
_voucherInitValues | BosonTypes.VoucherInitValues | the fully populated BosonTypes.VoucherInitValues struct |
Creates a buyer.
Emits an BuyerCreated event if successful.
Reverts if:
- The buyers region of protocol is paused
- Wallet address is zero address
- Active is not true
- Wallet address is not unique to this buyer
function createBuyer(struct BosonTypes.Buyer _buyer)
Name | Type | Description |
_buyer | BosonTypes.Buyer | the fully populated struct with buyer id set to 0x0 |
Creates a dispute resolver.
Emits a DisputeResolverCreated event if successful.
Reverts if:
- Caller is not the supplied admin and assistant
- Supplied clerk is not a zero address
- The dispute resolvers region of protocol is paused
- Any address is zero address
- Any address is not unique to this dispute resolver
- EscalationResponsePeriod is invalid
- Some seller does not exist
- Some seller id is duplicated
- DisputeResolver is not active (if active == false)
- Fee amount is a non-zero value. Protocol doesn't yet support fees for dispute resolvers
function createDisputeResolver(struct BosonTypes.DisputeResolver _disputeResolver,
struct BosonTypes.DisputeResolverFee[] _disputeResolverFees,
uint256[] _sellerAllowList)
Name | Type | Description |
_disputeResolver | BosonTypes.DisputeResolver | the fully populated struct with dispute resolver id set to 0x0 |
_disputeResolverFees | BosonTypes.DisputeResolverFee[] | list of fees dispute resolver charges per token type. Zero address is native currency. See {BosonTypes.DisputeResolverFee} feeAmount will be ignored because protocol doesn't yet support fees yet but DR still needs to provide array of fees to choose supported tokens |
_sellerAllowList | uint256[] | list of ids of sellers that can choose this dispute resolver. If empty, there are no restrictions on which seller can chose it. |
Creates a marketplace agent.
Emits an AgentCreated event if successful.
Reverts if:
- The agents region of protocol is paused
- Wallet address is zero address
- Active is not true
- Wallet address is not unique to this agent
- Fee percentage + protocol fee percentage is greater than the max allowable fee percentage for an offer
function createAgent(struct BosonTypes.Agent _agent)
Name | Type | Description |
_agent | BosonTypes.Agent | the fully populated struct with agent id set to 0x0 |
Updates treasury address, if changed. Puts admin, assistant and AuthToken in pending queue, if changed.
Pending updates can be completed by calling the optInToSellerUpdate function.Active flag passed in by caller will be ignored. The value from storage will be used.
Emits a SellerUpdateApplied event if the seller has changed the treasury.
Emits a SellerUpdatePending event if the seller has requested an update for admin, assistant, or auth token.
Holder of new auth token and/or owner(s) of new addresses for admin, assistant must opt-in to the update.
Reverts if:
- The sellers region of protocol is paused
- Address values are zero address
- Addresses are not unique to this seller
- Supplied clerk is not a zero address
- Caller address is not the admin address of the stored seller with no AuthToken
- Caller is not the owner of the seller's stored AuthToken
- Seller does not exist
- Admin address is zero address and AuthTokenType == None
- AuthTokenType is not unique to this seller
- AuthTokenType is Custom
- No field has been updated or requested to be updated
function updateSeller(struct BosonTypes.Seller _seller,
struct BosonTypes.AuthToken _authToken)
Name | Type | Description |
_seller | BosonTypes.Seller | the fully populated seller struct |
_authToken | BosonTypes.AuthToken | optional AuthToken struct that specifies an AuthToken type and tokenId that the seller can use to do admin functions |
Opt-in to a pending seller update
Emits a SellerUpdateApplied event if successful.
Reverts if:
- The sellers region of protocol is paused
- Addresses are not unique to this seller
- Caller address is not pending update for the field being updated
- Caller is not the owner of the pending AuthToken being updated
- No pending update exists for this seller
- AuthTokenType is not unique to this seller
- Seller tries to update the clerk
function optInToSellerUpdate(uint256 _sellerId,
enum BosonTypes.SellerUpdateFields[] _fieldsToUpdate)
Name | Type | Description |
_sellerId | uint256 | seller id |
_fieldsToUpdate | enum BosonTypes.SellerUpdateFields[] | fields to update, see SellerUpdateFields enum |
Updates a buyer, with the exception of the active flag.
All other fields should be filled, even those staying the same.Active flag passed in by caller will be ignored. The value from storage will be used.
Emits a BuyerUpdated event if successful.
Reverts if:
- The buyers region of protocol is paused
- Caller is not the wallet address of the stored buyer
- Wallet address is zero address
- Address is not unique to this buyer
- Buyer does not exist
- Current wallet address has outstanding vouchers
function updateBuyer(struct BosonTypes.Buyer _buyer)
Name | Type | Description |
_buyer | BosonTypes.Buyer | the fully populated buyer struct |
Updates treasury address, escalationResponsePeriod or metadataUri if changed. Puts admin and assistant in pending queue, if changed.
Pending updates can be completed by calling the optInToDisputeResolverUpdate function.
Update doesn't include DisputeResolverFees, allowed seller list or active flag.
All DisputeResolver fields should be filled, even those staying the same.
Use removeFeesFromDisputeResolver and addFeesToDisputeResolver to add and remove fees.
Use addSellersToAllowList and removeSellersFromAllowList to add and remove allowed sellers.Active flag passed in by caller will be ignored. The value from storage will be used.
Emits a DisputeResolverUpdated event if successful.
Emits a DisputeResolverUpdatePending event if the dispute resolver has requested an update for admin or assistant.
Owner(s) of new addresses for admin, assistant must opt-in to the update.
Reverts if:
- The dispute resolvers region of protocol is paused
- Caller is not the admin address of the stored dispute resolver
- Any address is not unique to this dispute resolver
- Supplied clerk is not a zero address
- Dispute resolver does not exist
- EscalationResponsePeriod is invalid
- No field has been updated or requested to be updated
function updateDisputeResolver(struct BosonTypes.DisputeResolver _disputeResolver)
Name | Type | Description |
_disputeResolver | BosonTypes.DisputeResolver | the fully populated dispute resolver struct |
Opt-in to a pending dispute resolver update
Emits a DisputeResolverUpdateApplied event if successful.
Reverts if:
- The dispute resolver region of protocol is paused
- Addresses are not unique to this dispute resolver
- Caller address is not pending update for the field being updated
- No pending update exists for this dispute resolver
- Dispute resolver tries to update the clerk
function optInToDisputeResolverUpdate(uint256 _disputeResolverId,
enum BosonTypes.DisputeResolverUpdateFields[] _fieldsToUpdate)
Name | Type | Description |
_disputeResolverId | uint256 | disputeResolver id |
_fieldsToUpdate | enum BosonTypes.DisputeResolverUpdateFields[] | fields to update, see DisputeResolverUpdateFields enum |
Updates an agent, with the exception of the active flag.
All other fields should be filled, even those staying the same.Active flag passed in by caller will be ignored. The value from storage will be used.
Emits an AgentUpdated event if successful.
Reverts if:
- The agents region of protocol is paused
- Caller is not the wallet address associated with the agent account
- Wallet address is zero address
- Wallet address is not unique to this agent
- Agent does not exist
- Fee percentage + protocol fee percentage is greater than the max allowable fee percentage for an offer
function updateAgent(struct BosonTypes.Agent _agent)
Name | Type | Description |
_agent | BosonTypes.Agent | the fully populated agent struct |
Adds DisputeResolverFees to an existing dispute resolver.
Emits a DisputeResolverFeesAdded event if successful.
Reverts if:
- The dispute resolvers region of protocol is paused
- Caller is not the admin address associated with the dispute resolver account
- Dispute resolver does not exist
- Number of DisputeResolverFee structs in array is zero
- DisputeResolverFee array contains duplicates
- Fee amount is a non-zero value. Protocol doesn't yet support fees for dispute resolvers
function addFeesToDisputeResolver(uint256 _disputeResolverId,
struct BosonTypes.DisputeResolverFee[] _disputeResolverFees)
Name | Type | Description |
_disputeResolverId | uint256 | id of the dispute resolver |
_disputeResolverFees | BosonTypes.DisputeResolverFee[] | list of fees dispute resolver charges per token type. Zero address is native currency. See {BosonTypes.DisputeResolverFee} feeAmount will be ignored because protocol doesn't yet support fees yet but DR still needs to provide array of fees to choose supported tokens |
Removes DisputeResolverFees from an existing dispute resolver.
Emits a DisputeResolverFeesRemoved event if successful.
Reverts if:
- The dispute resolvers region of protocol is paused
- Caller is not the admin address associated with the dispute resolver account
- Dispute resolver does not exist
- Number of DisputeResolverFee structs in array is zero
- DisputeResolverFee does not exist for the dispute resolver
function removeFeesFromDisputeResolver(uint256 _disputeResolverId,
address[] _feeTokenAddresses)
Name | Type | Description |
_disputeResolverId | uint256 | id of the dispute resolver |
_feeTokenAddresses | address[] | list of addresses of dispute resolver fee tokens to remove |
Adds seller ids to set of ids allowed to choose the given dispute resolver for an offer.
Emits an AllowedSellersAdded event if successful.
Reverts if:
- The dispute resolvers region of protocol is paused
- Caller is not the admin address associated with the dispute resolver account
- Dispute resolver does not exist
- Number of seller ids in array is zero
- Some seller does not exist
- Seller id is already approved
function addSellersToAllowList(uint256 _disputeResolverId,
uint256[] _sellerAllowList)
Name | Type | Description |
_disputeResolverId | uint256 | id of the dispute resolver |
_sellerAllowList | uint256[] | List of seller ids to add to allowed list |
Removes seller ids from set of ids allowed to choose the given dispute resolver for an offer.
Emits an AllowedSellersRemoved event if successful.
Reverts if:
- The dispute resolvers region of protocol is paused
- Caller is not the admin address associated with the dispute resolver account
- Dispute resolver does not exist
- Number of seller ids structs in array is zero
- Seller id is not approved
function removeSellersFromAllowList(uint256 _disputeResolverId,
uint256[] _sellerAllowList)
Name | Type | Description |
_disputeResolverId | uint256 | id of the dispute resolver |
_sellerAllowList | uint256[] | list of seller ids to remove from allowed list |
Creates a new seller collection.
Emits a CollectionCreated event if successful.
Reverts if:
- The sellers region of protocol is paused
- Caller is not the seller assistant
function createNewCollection(string _externalId,
struct BosonTypes.VoucherInitValues _voucherInitValues)
Name | Type | Description |
_externalId | string | external collection id |
_voucherInitValues | BosonTypes.VoucherInitValues | the fully populated BosonTypes.VoucherInitValues struct |
Updates a salt.
Use this if the admin address is updated and there exists a possibility that the old admin will try to create the vouchers
with matching addresses on other chains.
Reverts if:
- The sellers region of protocol is paused
- Caller is not the admin of any seller
- Seller salt is not unique
function updateSellerSalt(uint256 _sellerId,
bytes32 _newSalt)
Name | Type | Description |
_sellerId | uint256 | the id of the seller |
_newSalt | bytes32 | new salt |
Gets the details about a seller.
function getSeller(uint256 _sellerId)
returns(bool exists,
BosonTypes.Seller memory seller,
BosonTypes.AuthToken memory authToken)
Name | Type | Description |
_sellerId | uint256 | the id of the seller to check |
Name | Type | Description |
exists | bool | the seller was found |
seller | BosonTypes.Seller | the seller details. See {BosonTypes.Seller} |
authToken | BosonTypes.AuthToken | optional AuthToken struct that specifies an AuthToken type and tokenId that the seller can use to do admin functions |
Gets the details about a seller by an address associated with that seller: assistant, or admin address.
A seller will have either an admin address or an auth token.
If seller's admin uses NFT Auth the seller should call getSellerByAuthToken
function getSellerByAddress(address _associatedAddress)
returns(bool exists,
BosonTypes.Seller memory seller,
BosonTypes.AuthToken memory authToken)
Name | Type | Description |
_associatedAddress | address | the address associated with the seller. Must be an assistant, or admin address. |
Name | Type | Description |
exists | bool | the seller was found |
seller | BosonTypes.Seller | the seller details. See {BosonTypes.Seller} |
authToken | BosonTypes.AuthToken | optional AuthToken struct that specifies an AuthToken type and tokenId that the seller can use to do admin functions |
Gets the details about a seller by an auth token associated with that seller.
A seller will have either an admin address or an auth token.
If seller's admin uses an admin address, the seller should call getSellerByAddress
function getSellerByAuthToken(struct BosonTypes.AuthToken _associatedAuthToken)
returns(bool exists,
BosonTypes.Seller memory seller,
BosonTypes.AuthToken memory authToken)
Name | Type | Description |
_associatedAuthToken | BosonTypes.AuthToken | the auth token that may be associated with the seller. |
Name | Type | Description |
exists | bool | the seller was found |
seller | BosonTypes.Seller | the seller details. See {BosonTypes.Seller} |
authToken | BosonTypes.AuthToken | optional AuthToken struct that specifies an AuthToken type and tokenId that the seller can use to do admin functions |
Gets the details about a seller's collections.
function getSellersCollections(uint256 _sellerId)
returns(address defaultVoucherAddress, BosonTypes.Collection[] memory additionalCollections)
Name | Type | Description |
_sellerId | uint256 | the id of the seller to check |
Name | Type | Description |
defaultVoucherAddress | address | the address of the default voucher contract for the seller |
additionalCollections | BosonTypes.Collection[] | an array of additional collections that the seller has created |
Returns the availability of salt for a seller.
function isSellerSaltAvailable(address _adminAddres,
bytes32 _salt)
returns(bool isAvailable)
Name | Type | Description |
_adminAddres | address | the admin address to check |
_salt | bytes32 | the salt to check (corresponds to collectionSalt when createSeler or createNewCollection is called or newSalt when updateSellerSalt is called) |
Name | Type | Description |
isAvailable | bool | salt can be used |
Calculates the expected collection address and tells if it's still avaialble.
function calculateCollectionAddress(uint256 _sellerId,
bytes32 _collectionSalt)
returns(address collectionAddress, bool isAvailable)
Name | Type | Description |
_sellerId | uint256 | the seller id |
_collectionSalt | bytes32 | the collection specific salt |
Name | Type | Description |
collectionAddress | address | the collection address |
isAvailable | bool | whether the collection address is available |
Gets the details about a buyer.
function getBuyer(uint256 _buyerId)
returns(bool exists, BosonTypes.Buyer memory buyer)
Name | Type | Description |
_buyerId | uint256 | the id of the buyer to check |
Name | Type | Description |
exists | bool | whether the buyer was found |
buyer | BosonTypes.Buyer | the buyer details. See {BosonTypes.Buyer} |
Gets the details about a dispute resolver.
function getDisputeResolver(uint256 _disputeResolverId)
returns(bool exists,
BosonTypes.DisputeResolver memory disputeResolver,
BosonTypes.DisputeResolverFee[] memory disputeResolverFees,
uint256[] sellerAllowList)
Name | Type | Description |
_disputeResolverId | uint256 | the id of the dispute resolver to check |
Name | Type | Description |
exists | bool | the dispute resolver was found |
disputeResolver | BosonTypes.DisputeResolver | the dispute resolver details. See {BosonTypes.DisputeResolver} |
disputeResolverFees | BosonTypes.DisputeResolverFee[] | list of fees dispute resolver charges per token type. Zero address is native currency. See {BosonTypes.DisputeResolverFee[]} |
sellerAllowList | uint256[] | list of sellers that are allowed to choose this dispute resolver |
Gets the details about a dispute resolver by an address associated with that dispute resolver: assistant, or admin address.
function getDisputeResolverByAddress(address _associatedAddress)
returns(bool exists,
BosonTypes.DisputeResolver memory disputeResolver,
BosonTypes.DisputeResolverFee[] memory disputeResolverFees,
uint256[] sellerAllowList)
Name | Type | Description |
_associatedAddress | address | the address associated with the dispute resolver. Must be an assistant, or admin address. |
Name | Type | Description |
exists | bool | the dispute resolver was found |
disputeResolver | BosonTypes.DisputeResolver | the dispute resolver details. See {BosonTypes.DisputeResolver} |
disputeResolverFees | BosonTypes.DisputeResolverFee[] | list of fees dispute resolver charges per token type. Zero address is native currency. See {BosonTypes.DisputeResolverFee[]} |
sellerAllowList | uint256[] | list of sellers that are allowed to chose this dispute resolver |
Gets the details about an agent.
function getAgent(uint256 _agentId)
returns(bool exists, BosonTypes.Agent memory agent)
Name | Type | Description |
_agentId | uint256 | the id of the agent to check |
Name | Type | Description |
exists | bool | whether the agent was found |
agent | BosonTypes.Agent | the agent details. See {BosonTypes.Agent} |
Checks whether given sellers are allowed to choose the given dispute resolver.
function areSellersAllowed(uint256 _disputeResolverId,
uint256[] _sellerIds)
returns(bool[] sellerAllowed)
Name | Type | Description |
_disputeResolverId | uint256 | id of dispute resolver to check |
_sellerIds | uint256[] | list of seller ids to check |
Name | Type | Description |
sellerAllowed | bool[] | array with indicator (true/false) if seller is allowed to choose the dispute resolver. Index in this array corresponds to indices of the incoming _sellerIds |
Gets the next account id that can be assigned to an account.Does not increment the counter.
function getNextAccountId()
returns(uint256 nextAccountId)
Name | Type | Description |
nextAccountId | uint256 | the account id |