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@bosonprotocol/core-sdk / Exports / accounts / abis

Namespace: abis


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ERC1155ABI: ({ anonymous: boolean = false; inputs: { indexed: boolean = true; internalType: string = "address"; name: string = "_owner"; type: string = "address" }[] ; name: string = "ApprovalForAll"; outputs: undefined ; stateMutability: undefined = "view"; type: string = "event" } | { anonymous: undefined = false; inputs: { internalType: string = "address"; name: string = "_owner"; type: string = "address" }[] ; name: string = "balanceOf"; outputs: { internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = ""; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; stateMutability: string = "view"; type: string = "function" })[]

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ERC20ABI: ({ anonymous: undefined = false; constant: boolean = false; inputs: { name: string = "_spender"; type: string = "address" }[] ; name: string = "approve"; outputs: { name: string = ""; type: string = "bool" }[] ; payable: boolean = false; stateMutability: string = "nonpayable"; type: string = "function" } | { anonymous: undefined = false; constant: undefined = false; inputs: undefined ; name: undefined = "Approval"; outputs: undefined ; payable: boolean = true; stateMutability: string = "payable"; type: string = "fallback" } | { anonymous: boolean = false; constant: undefined = false; inputs: { indexed: boolean = true; name: string = "owner"; type: string = "address" }[] ; name: string = "Approval"; outputs: undefined ; payable: undefined = true; stateMutability: undefined = "view"; type: string = "event" })[]

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ERC721EnumerableABI: ({ anonymous: undefined = false; constant: boolean = true; inputs: { name: string = "interfaceId"; type: string = "bytes4" }[] ; name: string = "supportsInterface"; outputs: { name: string = ""; type: string = "bool" }[] ; payable: boolean = false; signature: string = "0x01ffc9a7"; stateMutability: string = "view"; type: string = "function" } | { anonymous: undefined = false; constant: undefined = false; inputs: { name: string = "name"; type: string = "string" }[] ; name: undefined = "Approval"; outputs: undefined ; payable: boolean = false; signature: string = "constructor"; stateMutability: string = "nonpayable"; type: string = "constructor" } | { anonymous: boolean = false; constant: undefined = false; inputs: { indexed: boolean = true; name: string = "from"; type: string = "address" }[] ; name: string = "Transfer"; outputs: undefined ; payable: undefined = true; signature: string = "0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef"; stateMutability: undefined = "view"; type: string = "event" })[]

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IBosonAccountHandlerABI: ({ anonymous: boolean = false; inputs: ({ components: undefined ; indexed: boolean = true; internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "agentId"; type: string = "uint256" } | { components: { internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "id"; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; indexed: boolean = false; internalType: string = "struct BosonTypes.Agent"; name: string = "agent"; type: string = "tuple" })[] ; name: string = "AgentCreated"; outputs: undefined ; stateMutability: undefined = "view"; type: string = "event" } | { anonymous: undefined = false; inputs: ({ components: undefined ; internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "_disputeResolverId"; type: string = "uint256" } | { components: { internalType: string = "address"; name: string = "tokenAddress"; type: string = "address" }[] ; internalType: string = "struct BosonTypes.DisputeResolverFee[]"; name: string = "_disputeResolverFees"; type: string = "tuple[]" })[] ; name: string = "addFeesToDisputeResolver"; outputs: any[] = []; stateMutability: string = "nonpayable"; type: string = "function" } | { anonymous: undefined = false; inputs: { internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "_agentId"; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; name: string = "getAgent"; outputs: ({ components: undefined ; internalType: string = "bool"; name: string = "exists"; type: string = "bool" } | { components: { internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "id"; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; internalType: string = "struct BosonTypes.Agent"; name: string = "agent"; type: string = "tuple" })[] ; stateMutability: string = "view"; type: string = "function" } | { anonymous: undefined = false; inputs: { components: { internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "tokenId"; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; internalType: string = "struct BosonTypes.AuthToken"; name: string = "_associatedAuthToken"; type: string = "tuple" }[] ; name: string = "getSellerByAuthToken"; outputs: ({ components: undefined ; internalType: string = "bool"; name: string = "exists"; type: string = "bool" } | { components: { internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "id"; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; internalType: string = "struct BosonTypes.Seller"; name: string = "seller"; type: string = "tuple" })[] ; stateMutability: string = "view"; type: string = "function" })[]

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IBosonDisputeHandlerABI: ({ anonymous: boolean = false; inputs: { indexed: boolean = true; internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "exchangeId"; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; name: string = "DisputeDecided"; outputs: undefined ; stateMutability: undefined = "view"; type: string = "event" } | { anonymous: undefined = false; inputs: { internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "_exchangeId"; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; name: string = "getDispute"; outputs: ({ components: undefined ; internalType: string = "bool"; name: string = "exists"; type: string = "bool" } | { components: { internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "exchangeId"; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; internalType: string = "struct BosonTypes.Dispute"; name: string = "dispute"; type: string = "tuple" })[] ; stateMutability: string = "view"; type: string = "function" })[]

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IBosonExchangeHandlerABI: ({ anonymous: boolean = false; inputs: ({ components: undefined ; indexed: boolean = true; internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "offerId"; type: string = "uint256" } | { components: { internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "id"; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; indexed: boolean = false; internalType: string = "struct BosonTypes.Exchange"; name: string = "exchange"; type: string = "tuple" })[] ; name: string = "BuyerCommitted"; outputs: undefined ; stateMutability: undefined = "view"; type: string = "event" } | { anonymous: undefined = false; inputs: { internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "_exchangeId"; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; name: string = "getExchange"; outputs: ({ components: undefined ; internalType: string = "bool"; name: string = "exists"; type: string = "bool" } | { components: { internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "id"; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; internalType: string = "struct BosonTypes.Exchange"; name: string = "exchange"; type: string = "tuple" })[] ; stateMutability: string = "view"; type: string = "function" } | { anonymous: undefined = false; inputs: { internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "_exchangeId"; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; name: string = "getReceipt"; outputs: { components: ({ components: undefined ; internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "exchangeId"; type: string = "uint256" } | { components: { internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "protocolFee"; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; internalType: string = "struct BosonTypes.OfferFees"; name: string = "offerFees"; type: string = "tuple" })[] ; internalType: string = "struct BosonTypes.Receipt"; name: string = "receipt"; type: string = "tuple" }[] ; stateMutability: string = "view"; type: string = "function" })[]

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IBosonFundsHandlerABI: ({ anonymous: boolean = false; inputs: { indexed: boolean = true; internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "sellerId"; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; name: string = "FundsDeposited"; outputs: undefined ; stateMutability: undefined = "view"; type: string = "event" } | { anonymous: undefined = false; inputs: { internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "_entityId"; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; name: string = "getAvailableFunds"; outputs: { components: { internalType: string = "address"; name: string = "tokenAddress"; type: string = "address" }[] ; internalType: string = "struct BosonTypes.Funds[]"; name: string = "availableFunds"; type: string = "tuple[]" }[] ; stateMutability: string = "view"; type: string = "function" })[]

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IBosonGroupHandlerABI: ({ anonymous: boolean = false; inputs: ({ components: undefined ; indexed: boolean = true; internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "groupId"; type: string = "uint256" } | { components: { internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "id"; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; indexed: boolean = false; internalType: string = "struct BosonTypes.Group"; name: string = "group"; type: string = "tuple" })[] ; name: string = "GroupCreated"; outputs: undefined ; stateMutability: undefined = "view"; type: string = "event" } | { anonymous: undefined = false; inputs: { internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "_groupId"; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; name: string = "getGroup"; outputs: ({ components: undefined ; internalType: string = "bool"; name: string = "exists"; type: string = "bool" } | { components: { internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "id"; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; internalType: string = "struct BosonTypes.Group"; name: string = "group"; type: string = "tuple" })[] ; stateMutability: string = "view"; type: string = "function" } | { anonymous: undefined = false; inputs: ({ components: undefined ; internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "_groupId"; type: string = "uint256" } | { components: { internalType: string = "enum BosonTypes.EvaluationMethod"; name: string = "method"; type: string = "uint8" }[] ; internalType: string = "struct BosonTypes.Condition"; name: string = "_condition"; type: string = "tuple" })[] ; name: string = "setGroupCondition"; outputs: any[] = []; stateMutability: string = "nonpayable"; type: string = "function" })[]

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IBosonMetaTransactionsHandlerABI: ({ anonymous: boolean = false; inputs: { indexed: boolean = true; internalType: string = "address"; name: string = "userAddress"; type: string = "address" }[] ; name: string = "MetaTransactionExecuted"; outputs: undefined ; stateMutability: undefined = "view"; type: string = "event" } | { anonymous: undefined = false; inputs: { internalType: string = "address"; name: string = "_userAddress"; type: string = "address" }[] ; name: string = "executeMetaTransaction"; outputs: { internalType: string = "bytes"; name: string = ""; type: string = "bytes" }[] ; stateMutability: string = "payable"; type: string = "function" })[]

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IBosonOfferHandlerABI: ({ anonymous: boolean = false; inputs: ({ components: undefined ; indexed: boolean = true; internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "offerId"; type: string = "uint256" } | { components: { internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "id"; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; indexed: boolean = false; internalType: string = "struct BosonTypes.Offer"; name: string = "offer"; type: string = "tuple" })[] ; name: string = "OfferCreated"; outputs: undefined ; stateMutability: undefined = "view"; type: string = "event" } | { anonymous: undefined = false; inputs: ({ components: { internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "id"; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; internalType: string = "struct BosonTypes.Offer"; name: string = "_offer"; type: string = "tuple" } | { components: undefined ; internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "_disputeResolverId"; type: string = "uint256" })[] ; name: string = "createOffer"; outputs: any[] = []; stateMutability: string = "nonpayable"; type: string = "function" } | { anonymous: undefined = false; inputs: { internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "_offerId"; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; name: string = "getOffer"; outputs: ({ components: undefined ; internalType: string = "bool"; name: string = "exists"; type: string = "bool" } | { components: { internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "id"; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; internalType: string = "struct BosonTypes.Offer"; name: string = "offer"; type: string = "tuple" })[] ; stateMutability: string = "view"; type: string = "function" })[]

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IBosonOrchestrationHandlerABI: ({ anonymous: boolean = false; inputs: ({ components: undefined ; indexed: boolean = true; internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "agentId"; type: string = "uint256" } | { components: { internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "id"; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; indexed: boolean = false; internalType: string = "struct BosonTypes.Agent"; name: string = "agent"; type: string = "tuple" })[] ; name: string = "AgentCreated"; outputs: undefined ; stateMutability: undefined = "view"; type: string = "event" } | { anonymous: undefined = false; inputs: ({ components: { internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "id"; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; internalType: string = "struct BosonTypes.Offer"; name: string = "_offer"; type: string = "tuple" } | { components: undefined ; internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "_disputeResolverId"; type: string = "uint256" })[] ; name: string = "createOfferAddToGroup"; outputs: any[] = []; stateMutability: string = "nonpayable"; type: string = "function" })[]

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IBosonVoucherABI: ({ anonymous: boolean = false; inputs: { indexed: boolean = true; internalType: string = "address"; name: string = "owner"; type: string = "address" }[] ; name: string = "Approval"; outputs: undefined ; stateMutability: undefined = "view"; type: string = "event" } | { anonymous: undefined = false; inputs: { internalType: string = "address"; name: string = "owner"; type: string = "address" }[] ; name: string = "balanceOf"; outputs: { internalType: string = "uint256"; name: string = "balance"; type: string = "uint256" }[] ; stateMutability: string = "view"; type: string = "function" })[]

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NativeMetaTransactionABI: ({ anonymous: boolean = false; inputs: { indexed: boolean = false; internalType: string = "address"; name: string = "userAddress"; type: string = "address" }[] ; name: string = "MetaTransactionExecuted"; outputs: undefined ; stateMutability: undefined = "view"; type: string = "event" } | { anonymous: undefined = false; inputs: { internalType: string = "address"; name: string = "userAddress"; type: string = "address" }[] ; name: string = "executeMetaTransaction"; outputs: { internalType: string = "bytes"; name: string = ""; type: string = "bytes" }[] ; stateMutability: string = "payable"; type: string = "function" })[]

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ProtocolDiamondABI: ({ inputs: ({ components: undefined ; internalType: string = "contract IAccessControl"; name: string = "_accessController"; type: string = "address" } | { components: { internalType: string = "address"; name: string = "facetAddress"; type: string = "address" }[] ; internalType: string = "struct IDiamondCut.FacetCut[]"; name: string = "_facetCuts"; type: string = "tuple[]" })[] ; stateMutability: string = "nonpayable"; type: string = "constructor" } | { inputs: undefined ; stateMutability: string = "payable"; type: string = "fallback" })[]

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